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I am trying to add form element to Ask a question page but getting trouble to add element by layer. I have tried to add by layer with three different function but with this not adding element into the form but outside the form.


function form($form)
$this->output('Here will be new input element');
function form_body($form)
$this->output('Here will be new input element');
function form_buttons($form, $columns)
qa_html_theme_base::form_buttons($form, $columns);
$this->output('Here will be new input element');
I am also confuse should I have to use temple as below to get only for Ask page? ro there is any different way to do
if ($this->template == 'ask')
$this->output('Here will be new input element');
I am sure some one must have solution for this.


At last got it work and store value to db but now have one trouble. I want this field only on Ask a question page and on edit question form but with $this->template of course its adding all single question page forms.

Need help here is the code


function form_buttons($form, $columns)
if(($this->template == 'ask' OR $this->template == 'question') AND qa_get_logged_in_level() > QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN):
$this->my_check(); // this is my custom checkbox input code
qa_html_theme_base::form_buttons($form, $columns);

1 Answer

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You can check if ($this->context['part']=='form_q_edit') within the theme to see if you are in the middle of outputting a question editing form.

Thanks a lot. will give it a try and get back to you.
Wonderful! It's resolved my issue. By the way where I can see this in core file?
'form_q_edit' is used as the page part name in qa-page-question.php
Thanks a lot...!