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+3 votes
in Themes by
Hello everybody

i please from all of you to attention this case,a few month ago,i bought this dude theme and after my purchase,i asked to the  webmaster a few question,he told me slow down etc....i told him,why you act so rude,he told me ask one by one...as if i ask 100 question at the same time....i only asked max 3 4 question...later he told me,i dont give skype support anymore ..the sad thing was,it was my first question to him,i was so sad at the moment and now on...i can not find any word to say,i think people should be little responsible if they are selling product online.Yes we did pay money,we did not buy webmaster but,i guess we have right to ask a few question right ? i am totaly so sad from months that this person never try to contact me and he is LOST.....Ones sale done,no more voice....this is not fair and i dont know what to say anymore....

1 Answer

+1 vote
I fully agree with you sir support is really bad and no more updates for dude since months once qawork is the same it have lots of bugs the standart theme is the best at moment without bugs and is working with all browsers.I suggest you to wait for the new snow theme is now in progress and should be released soon maybe 1-2 weeks.