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+4 votes
in Q2A Core by

Please feel free to suggest updates including new plugins/themes as answers here. Some of the good works are not yet on the official documentation page. Every week or so, I'll do a pull request for the updates.
Q2A version: 1.8

7 Answers

+2 votes
Flag with Reasons: https://github.com/q2apro/q2apro-flag-reasons should be added
+2 votes
+3 votes

This page should be updated:


since at least point 4 is outdated now. From the comments in qa-config.php:

The option QA_OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_DB is no longer used, since QA_OPTIMIZE_DISTANT_DB covers our uses.

+1 vote
i want to suggest this, there should be a page in the admin panel where all users register in the site will be listed also for all questions.
How's this different from the Users page?
Maybe he's new and is not aware of the existence of mysite.com/users
+3 votes

Maybe a documentation section about form fields.

I have to learn from other plugins.
I wrote something about that a while back: https://docs.question2answer.org/code/structure/
But it could be expanded.
+4 votes
Would you please add the system to lock user profile like facebook and permit general user to block other user so that the blocked user can not send message or contact the user who blocked him just like facebook blocking system.
+1 vote
edited by

There are many good plugins which are not free but Q2A needs them.I think Q2A must include some of them like plugins https://pupi1985.github.io/ has here.Also esperedo has plugins here ; https://www.e-dostluk.com/q2a-demo/

I think these must have in Q2A sytsem but system does not have it.Beside these good plugins people can ask special request from these guys.

If I my website grows up well in that case I will have to buy them for now I cant.I respect these guys and for their works but Q2A developers have to do something for these plugins.

As a result, like other cms , Q2A has to have them.

Another issue is plugins page.It is tortures me when I go that page for changing.Changing , updating , finding a plugin are difficult.

Also we could have to upload ,remove plugins or theme without going to ftp.

Those plugins have been added to Q2A right? They were added a couple of months back.
These are not free.They are very usefull plugins.
Yes they were.
But always people can need these plugins
Why will they be free?They do not come from anywhere..They are developed from scratch..
I got confused. I meant to add to Q2A documentation -- these are already added. I don't think it makes sense to ask any paid plugin to be made free. If someone does it good.  In my opinion a well built and maintained paid plugin is better than a free and unmaintained one.
You both misunderstood me. Like I said I respect their works and their works must be Alternative way to use/buy.
I dont wanna pay for a plugin which is just for blocking users.
I meant this is very simple option which Q2A developers have to add.It is ridiculous to pay someone for this feature. There are more simple things.
For new updates I suggestif Q2A has more options on tags which are ;
Admin can give user access for using their tags.I mean a super administrator is only autority for mysite.com beside an user which I give access for a tag have to be only super administrator for that tag too. (important users who have access can control a tag only.)
"I dont wanna pay for a plugin which is just for blocking users."

That's same for everyone. But then who will write a quality code for same and integrate to Q2A? As long as this feature is not in core, someone should develop it as a plugin. And this plugin is not a 1 hour work.