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I am designing custom home page instead of Q&A page. but i found there is some limit in HTML editor. Due to that after a limit it truncate the code. Can any one suggest how can i cross over the limit to parse HTML. Or suggest any other alternative to make a custom html page.
How many characters do you need?
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I need to add more than 15k chars. but whn i try to add more than soe limit. after that char's are truncated.
That's funny. The field has a 16,777,215 character limit. 5k is nothing compared to that :) Also, there is no "HTML editor" on that page. It is just a text area
for me i am currently having around 7k chars, but if try to enter more html tags, my whole page aligment is distrub or not alligned. i also found last tags or div always get truncated. not sure how to fix it.
I can't replicate the issue. I pasted 20k chars and faced no issue. If you want to share a video of what is going on that MIGHT help, but I can't confirm it will

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