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in Themes by
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This post talks about an update that I have released for the Minimalist Answer theme which was launched by me 6 months back. Since then the theme now has had 4500+ downloads and numerous requests from its awesome users for adding responsive support. The new version of Minimalist Answer theme now supports Responsive design, which means your Q2A website visitors will have a great experience while using this theme on any devices like Mobile Phones and Tablets.

Demo URL - https://digitizormedia.com/qa/

Download Theme - http://bit.ly/minimalist-answer-responsive

For reporting bugs, support issues please comment below or mail me dkd903@gmail.com


Apple iPhone 4S / 5S - 320 px


Samsung Galaxy S2 / S3 - 360px


Samsung Galaxy Note 3


MotoRazr HD - 720px


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Nice template! Thanks. I'm having one issue when using an image as logo, as the image is being shown behind the search box (yet in front of the menus).
Thanks for letting me know. I am working to fix this bug. Will push an update today and let you know.
HI Alvaro, I have updated the Theme to support Logos. Sorry for the delay. You can download it from http://bit.ly/minimalist-answer-responsive

1 Answer

0 votes
Why it is not mobile responsive ?

It is wider in width in mobile