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+8 votes
in Plugins by
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Hello everyone.

Recently I had some free time to work on a new plugin. Q2A Ultimate Widgets and It's a collection of some new and old widgets which will come with some cool new features.

  • Suggestion for adding new Widgets are welcome
  • Suggestions for code improvements are welcome
  • Contributions to code(Pull Requests on official github repo) are welcome

Some of the already available widgets are: Trending Topics, PHP Code Executor, Accessibility Buttons, MailChimp newsletter subscription, wordpress and Q2A login form, and 7 question list widgets.

I've added a new feature to this plugin which lets you set up options for each individual widget instead of setting up options via plugin options page which is global and effects all of plugin's widgets on the page. I'll add cache and conditional filtering to the widgets too.

First Update:

23 widgets so far and still going. Also added a feature to allow you too choose from available styles for each widget while adding it(if styling files had been created) or add your styling file for each widget.

2nd Update:

Now the plugin is updated to have 32 widgets and a bunch of new cool features(Conditional Filtering, Cache,...)

3rd Update:

Plugin is published. for list of features please read release notes: http://question2answer.org/qa/58842/new-plugin-q2a-ultimate-widgets

for the full list of planned and finished widgets visit: Github Repository's read-me file.

Best Regards, Towhid


Why a widget pack and not separate plugins?

Also have you seen this? http://www.question2answer.org/qa/58474/how-resolve-php-error-php-caused-tab-widget-and-core-conflict
Small change needed in one of your plugins.
Thanks Scott, I'll update the mentioned plugin.
Since registration of multiple modules isn't a real restrain on server resources I decided to just push everything into a single plugin. is there a reason that I should have developed multiple plugins instead?
@QA-Themes no particular reason, only that if someone wants just one or two modules they have to load everything.

5 Answers

+4 votes
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Hello! Congrats for your contribution :) I would like to make just one suggestion that already did other members too !

It has to do with following tags. It would be great if a developer could develop a plugin that will force the users immidiately after registration to follow 4-8 tags for example and then at the home page, the user will be able to see the questions that are tagged with those tags.

It is a must have function for every modern forum!  Just FYI if you are willing to build a plugin like that, i will pay and maybe we can ask from other users here that are interesting in a plugin like that to contribute with money too!

It's a great idea, specially that it can replace Q2A boring homepage question list. I'm interested in it and if there are patrons to hire me to do it I will be able to start ASAP and put extra hours into it to make it better and provide better support.
Hello Towhid and Hellen Jobs. I also have a suggestion for this great idea.
It would also be interesting to choose tags or categories (my site does not use tags).
The tags (or categories) selected by users should be automatically added to favorites (already in Q2A).
And then a page would be created with the questions published in the favorite categories or tags (and also the questions posted by the favorite users).
Another interesting feature would be to filter (option to only show the questions of the favorite users or only of the categories, or to display also the answers and recent activity, for example).
Yes, it's one of the advantages that sites like Quora have over classic Q&A sites. if well implemented it can be a huge improvement.
I am also interested. We should all pitch in to have you develop this plugin. But we need to have a plugin to extend the functionality of the tag itself as well. We need to give a tag more features like Quora such as Tag stats (how many questions, how many followers, active top users in that tag). User should be able to click on the stats of questions, followers, top users to see the list of the questions, followers and top users on a separate page where you can discover more questions, users to follow. A function to allow users (permission granted users from admin) to upload image to the tag and write a description of tag.
+1 vote
Hello Towhid.

Some suggestions:

- Featured Questions (Similar to Yahoo Answers)

- Widget only for visitors

- Widget only registred users

- Widget only for mobile / only for desktop

- Friends and Followers in profile page (Visible to all)

- Category followers

- Top users in each category in the week / month

- Latest questions from my favorite users

- Quick question

-Pop-up for login or register

- Pop-up

- Last questions in the category where the question is published

- Widget "also answer these questions"

- Remember to choose the best answer

- Widget answer you also this question for unregistered users

I also really liked these widgets:

     Todays Top Users
     Week's Top Users
     Month's Top Users
     All Time Top Users

Thank you. I'm going to add some of these widgets and features in first version.
- Friends and Followers in profile page (Visible to all)
- Widget "also answer these questions"
- Remember to choose the best answer

Great ideas!
first one should be added as a page. although I might add a "user bio" widget which mentions users shared friends or top followers. I might later work on second one as a separate plugin; but third widget is on my list.
+1 vote
@butterfly i had exactly the same idea/suggestion. You can check here and see also some other good ideas: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/57554/lets-keep-the-q2a-alive-suggestions-improvements

As for the function @butterfly mentioned above i'm willing to pay too.

We can make this forum better than Quora or some other new forums like Flarum and Discourse. If other users are interesting we could all together contribute with money so we can help @QA-Themes build the plugin @butterfly mentioned above.
0 votes

Hi. Excellent contribution I have a comment on the night mode. Turning on works perfect. But if you do some action that causes the screen to change. Disable But it's still a great job

It had been added. Cheers
0 votes
New suggestion: Widget (html) in a category and also in the questions published in this category.
That is on my list too, thanks.