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in Plugins by

I installed q2am-star-ratings. the question does not appear. What should I do?

Please help. @pupi1985


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Hi. That plugin is not mine, here is the link: http://www.question2answer.org/qa/23492/bug-fixed-new-free-plugin-star-ratings-by-q2a-market

Something awkward happened because that link is a fork of a plugin which no longer exists: https://github.com/q2amarket/q2am-star-ratings . It seems I made a few improvements to the plugin 4 years ago and send the pull request with the changes.

But now, as the original repository is gone, my fork (very arguably!) became a no-fork and is displayed as it was mine.

In conclusion, the maintainer is https://github.com/q2amarket . For some reason, he removed the repo. The weirdest thing is that ProThoughts forked my repo (from 2014) and he got commits from the latest update from Q2AMarket (from 2017) that are not in my own repo :/ These are here: https://github.com/ProThoughts/q2am-star-ratings

I will remove my fork as the commits I made were already merge to the original repo.
Thank you for the answer. I wish you continued success.

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