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in Themes by
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All Gold Developer themes are on discount until February 29, 2020. Leap Day
Grab your favorite theme today!

What's new for Gold Developer's 2020 schedule?

  • A new theme is being cooked called AVEN, and is expected to be a mix between Muffin and Frapuchino theme. with more compact lists and press-to-action components.
  • Frapuchino's Mobile theme (screenshots here) will become a theme of its own, called Mobile X and can be purchased separately in the future.

'Free' Gold Developer themes program?

Yes, the word 'free' is quoted for a reason. The idea is to create a funding program for theme development, such as a Patreon page. When the funding meets a budget goal, a new theme is developed and made free for everybody in the community to download.
If well supported, this could be about a theme per month.

This is still a concept idea and don't really know if people would join the cause. But let me know your thoughts and if I see enough people are interested and would be down for this, I'll go forward with this project.


Best offer!  Thanks for your effort for q2a.

4 Answers

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Only 3 more days, till' the end of 10 days of discount.
Grab your favorite theme today!

Shop 10 Days of Discount.

Meanwhile, here's a sneak peak of the new theme I'm working on.
turn up the sound and feel the vibes :)

Any ETA when you will release the new one and what'll be the price?
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There's no estimated release date yet, but should be within this month.
The price should be around the same as Frapuchino theme right now. But a few price adjustments will be made overall.
@dzzjj The new theme, AVEN is now out.
+2 votes
This is a great idea! I would donate for this
+1 vote
Thanks for your work :)

Your themes are really nice and you provide very good support. When someone starts a new Q2A site, a free theme makes sense. Also it is not easy for any site to change the theme as it affects the user experience. So I request you to focus on one theme and provide more features -- these can be as paid plugins or subscription or upgrades -- and those who are using the theme will be happy to get them. This is just my personal opinion :)
One example will be a HTML email template system for Q2A system where the main work is HTML styling as in a theme.
Yeah, that's a very good point. An HTML email template is also a good thing to get into consideration.

Talking about emails. I haven't received email notifications from the community for a while now. Idk if it's just me or it was disabled overall :S
Thanks  im getting notification email -- not sure if I'm getting for every notification though.

One more suggestion would be to have an option in the theme for logo image (already existing in Q2A), cover image, social share image etc. Then these can be used for automatically designing the HTML email template and can make the social share attractive.
+1 vote
Soo uh after having bought all of your themes you can consider me onboard I guess...
xD thanks a lot @dzzjj I really appreciate it :D