To add custom HTML widgets, navigate to:
Admin > Layout > Custom HTML in sidebar box on every page
To use these custom widgets, you just have to wrap your text inside the following bit of code:
<div class="card card2">
Your Text Goes Here.
Change or remove the card2 part, to change colors:
card / white-card = White color
dark-card = Frapuchino Blue Gray
card2 / gradient-green-blue = Green & Blue, Gradient
card3 / gradient-orange-pink = Orange & Pink, Gradient

The Buttons inside Custom HTML Widgets
There's 2 options of buttons to be used inside the widgets:
Normal Button (green) = <button type="button">Button</button>
And Neutral Button (grey) = <button type="button" class="neutralBtn">Neutral Button</button>
How to have multiple widgets like the demo?
Just pile them up on top of each other:
<div class="card">
Your Text Goes Here.
<div class="card card2">
Your Next Goes Here.