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+28 votes
in Plugins by
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Here's a potential XML-RPC server plugin for Q2A; right now it only has one available call, q2a.getQuestions, but by providing the right data, it so far allows voting, asking questions and posting answers and comments.

It's designed to work with my new Android App:

which seems to work with the plugin, so far.  The plugin is here:


and the app is here:


but the source for the app depends on ActionBarSherlock and SlidingMenu:



so you can download a premade APK here if you like:


Let me know how it works.

UPDATE: 0.9.1 all functions fixed and working.

Q2A version: 1.6
Hi NoahY. Thanks for your app. I just managed to compile it and add MathJax support. I had to do some minor changes in the plugin also to make it work with version 1.7. Is there a way I can upload the updated plugin?

You can make a github repository for your updated app and then you can tell Gideon (creator of Q2A) to add this apps link addons page. To tell Gideon use feedback page.
After all of this create a new question to tell everyone about the new app and giving the link in that for both playstore and github.
okay. Thank you :)
Where to add website URL ????
i am new to android
i successfully imported in eclips
but where to change website URL of my own website

13 Answers

+4 votes
thanks, why u have put two Blocks in the screen ? right and left template? if there is only one page that will be appear better on all android fon size.

can u plz support RTL version.

thank u
the two panes only show on devices 800px wide or greater, so I think it should work on most devices.  Two panes makes navigation easier, and looks better in landscape.
I'm not sure about RTL - it's only supported in 4.1+; I can add the necessary tags, but I can't say whether it will look as it should.
RTL tags added in latest apk
Hi am using nexus 4 and it shows 2 panels for me on the phone. Which us not very usable as the details panel is just quarter if the screen width wise. Even in landscape mode I think dual panel looks a but awkward. I would like to see just one panel for the list of questions. Swipe right and see the navigation menu slide in from Left and click on any question to see the details panel sliding in from right to almost 95% of the screen. Swipe left and the question list reappears. That way it would look cool!
0 votes

Thanks for your excellent job,but it doesn't work on my website :http://www.kxlearn.com/postgraduate

It returns 405 error code all the time .

and here is a test account:

ID: test


appreciate for your help

maybe the QA user's level went wrong when it integrated with wordpress ?
when I comment the 798--801 lines in the file qa-xml-rpc-server.php,I can receive the content.However,all of the images in every questions and answers can't be displayed.I use Markdown editor
check your php error log... that's the easiest way to know what's wrong.
+1 vote
i cant use it on my website . it app just error404 or 405 . i use windows server
Please try the latest version; maybe it will work
Hi NoahY can you please tell me the reason of the problem
org.xmlrpc.android.XMLRPCException: HTTP-Client error: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParseException: expected: START_TAG {null}methodResponse (position:START_TAG (empty) <br>@1:6 in java.io.InputStreamReader@407e808)  
Thanks in advance :-)
org.xmlrpc.android.xmlrpcexeption:http status code:404 was returned.not found
not sure... it works here using a linux server.
This is normally caused by the xml-rcp plugin not enabled under Admin > Plugins > ... xml-rcp check box and Save...
0 votes

Hi NoahY.

It's nice and useful , thanks

But , how ca i customize it for myself ?

I need to translate it and also set the Static website address.

And howo can i compile it on Eclipse ?



what's the problem using Eclipse?
I'm new to Android and have no experience.
Is it ready to open and compile with Eclipse?
I used Eclipse to build it, so it should work.
org.xmlrpc.android.XMLRPCException: HTTP-Client error: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParseException: expected: START_TAG {null}methodResponse (position:START_TAG (empty) <br>@1:6 in java.io.InputStreamReader@407e808)  
I am Using Linux
Well, I'll start it :)
+1 vote
edited by

Getting an error

org.xmlrpc.android.XMLRPCException: HTTP-Client error: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParseException: expected: START_TAG {null}methodResponse (position:START_TAG (empty) <br>@1:6 in java.io.InputStreamReader@407e808)  
I am Using Linux server.

0 votes
Please help me how to setup.. I am a newbie.. How to make the APK and how to submit at play store. :/
Can you program in Java?
I have a little background and would be thankful if you would kindly confirm if the Q2AWebsite.java file is the only one to be modified to effect a hard code. Also, if replacing the tag 'null' with "http://www.site.com/" is all there is. Thanks.
+1 vote

I have the same problem like most others here. 

org.xmlrpc.android.xmlrpcexeption:http status code:404 was returned.not found

I have the xml-rpc plugin installed and activated.

Ok I got this solved. My site was at domain.com/qa/ and I was using domain.com as the address to connect.
+1 vote

Thank you for great script. By the way I have a problem. 

When I click http://www.lankawiki.net/xml-rpc it gives the ouput XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only. By when I try to access from app, it gives the error (see attached screenshot).

Please help - Thanks


Well i am having the similar problem, and this problem is caused by Godaddy for me , i was unable to find solution for that problem my site is http://answerpk.com
0 votes
i have a problem  . the apk  always say error 502, if i use worng password it is use , say pasport worng . but i use correct pasport it say error 502
0 votes
I cant use it on my website. It shows error 404 or 405. I am using windows server.
0 votes
How to make an .apk application to the user does not need to enter the site address in the application, but only the username and password?
You should post a question, not an answer :-)
However you should hardcode your website URL here :
0 votes

To all those having issues with 404 make sure your URL is like this:


This is because if you see `Q2ARequest.java` file in Android code, there is a line like following:

String uris = website+"xml-rpc";

 You need to have a full valid url with "/" at the end of it in order for the sample apps to work. Hope this helps someone.

Hey, Shobhit. I have been trying to hard code with Android Studio for the past two days with no success. Though I tried quite a number of modifications, this is essentially all I have do, sumarised:

// set this if you are hardcoding a website into your app
    public final static String CUSTOM_WEBSITE = "http://www.satechhelp.co.za/";

Please help as the above does not seem to make any difference  :( The app still requires that the site's URL be enterd manually.